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    The main objectives for the MedSeA cruise are to: - Refine climatological maps of carbonate species distribution (pH, pCO2, CO32-, CT, AT, CaCO3 saturation states), along with their isotopic signatures, in the Mediterranean Sea. - Report on the determination of the anthropogenic carbon distribution throughout the whole Mediterranean Sea and its associated uncertainty estimate - Determine the effects of carbonate chemistry on Mediterranean calcifying and non-calcifying planktonic organisms. - Determine synergistic effects of acidification, warming and nutrients on key pelagic organisms. - Identify and quantify responses of fundamental Mediterranean biogeochemical processes to acidification and warming. - MedSeA is carried out in collaboration with the Geotraces program in order to collect water for chemical large volume trace elements and isotopes such as Th/Pa, Artificial radionuclides, Th-234, Nd-isotopes and Ra.